Sun, Jan 08, 23.

Goal of Faith.

  1. The goal of Faith is
    1. On God’s Part: Righteousness so as to please God [Heb 11:6; Jam 1:9; Rom 14:23]
    2. On Our Part: The salvation of our souls and that we may have access to His Presence where there is fullness of joy and pleasures at His right hand [1Pet 1:9; Heb 11:6]
  2. Faith and miracles
    1. Faith by itself does not produce miracles
      1. That would mean either that God is not involved the miracles or
      2. That we can control God with our faith
    2. For faith to produce miracles, either
      1. There is a word from God regarding that miracle or
      2. God has given one the grace, i.e., the power to work that miracle or
  3. One comes in a functional contact with someone to whom God has given the grace
  1. Working according to a perfect spiritual understanding